getting eCommerce right in the 2020s

Getting eCommerce right in the 2020s

In the past year, online shopping behaviours and preferences have continued to change. 87% of shoppers surveyed say the things they care about are affecting how and where they shop. Consumers are also visiting websites more frequently before purchasing.

To get the most out of online shopping’s continuous growth – retailers need to understand the wants and needs of consumers.

We’ve dug deeper into how consumer behaviours are changing. In a survey covering 12 countries across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, almost 10,000 respondents shared their online shopping preferences. Download the full report to find out:

  • The ‘how, when and way’ of shopping online in 2021 and beyond
  • What exceptional eCommerce experiences look like, from website content to personalisation
  • A growth in micro-experiences and how to respond to it
  • The rise of the considered, mindful shopper – and how retailers need to respond
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CX Trends 2022 Improve your bottom line by putting customers at the top

CX Trends 2022

Improve your bottom line by putting customers at the top

Businesses already see the ROI potential of customer service, but there’s still work to do. Learn how to tackle this year’s challenges and tap into the profit power of customer service.

Leaders must prioritize customer service

70% of organizations see a direct connection between customer service and performance, but 40% say it isn’t prioritized by their C-Suite staff. Leadership must make the link between support teams and bottom line impact.

The role of service teams needs to change

71% of leaders report that their agents are essential to driving sales. Customer service leaders should go beyond solving problems and transform their organization by fostering profitable growth.

Businesses have to meet customer expectations

Over 60% of consumers say that last year’s crisis raised the standard for customer service, but 54% feel that organizations still treat it as an afterthought. Growth depends on building better customer experiences

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The State of CX Maturity: Advancing CX Maturity Is a Mission-critical Mandate

The State of CX Maturity: Advancing CX Maturity Is a Mission-critical Mandate

This eBook looks at learnings from a survey of APAC-based respondents in the Mid-Market and Enterprise segments to discuss how, and to what degree, an organization’s adoption of customer service best practices improves its ability to deliver superior customer experience (CX) and better support its service teams. It also explores how improved capabilities are correlated with dramatically better business outcomes. Finally, it covers observed year-over-year CX trends.

A lot goes into delivering a great customer experience (CX), but it can be hard to know where to make the most strategic investments. To help businesses make good, data-driven decisions, Zendesk partnered with ESG Research to build a framework around CX maturity and CX success. The findings are summarized in this report: The State of CX Maturity among Midsize and Enterprise Companies: Research Shows Advancing CX Maturity is a Mission-critical Mandate.

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Electrostatic Discharge in Lubrication and Hydraulic Systems and How to Measure Charge Generation

Electrostatic Discharge in Lubrication and Hydraulic Systems and How to Measure Charge Generation

The issue of Electrostatic discharge (ESD) has been a known phenomenon in lubrication and hydraulic systems for many years.

This white paper discusses ESD, and the factors that influence both the charge generation, and dissipation, together with the filter testing methods.

Download it today to learn:

  • Why Electrostatic discharge occurs
  • Influence of oil conductivity
  • Impact of oil cleanliness and RH on conductivity
  • Effects of electrostatic discharge
  • How to overcome Electrostatic discharge

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How Modern Security Teams Fight Today’s Cyber Threats

How Modern Security Teams Fight Today’s Cyber Threats

The increased adoption of hybrid work models means security teams are increasingly challenged to keep users connected and networks secure. Securing devices is a growing challenge for organizations now unable to rely on connecting endpoints to campus networks for visibility and pushing updates. At the same time, employees are connecting to corporate resources with more personal, unmanaged devices, creating blind spots for security teams.

DNS-layer security is an easy to deploy and easy to scale cloud-based cybersecurity solution that can support businesses with hybrid work models, distributed teams, and understaffed SecOps teams. In this ebook, cybersecurity professionals can discover how DNS secures users both on and off the network.

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Composed of particles swirling abstract graphics,background of sense of science and technology.

Gartner report: Predicts 2022: Connecting the Digital Enterprise

Gartner report: Predicts 2022: Connecting the Digital Enterprise

A shift in the way people work – with fewer people accessing physical corporate networks and increasing work from anywhere models – has led networking and security leaders both to rethink the traditional approach to providing secure network connectivity. This Gartner analyst report provides predictions about modern cloud networking and recommendations for embracing secure access service edge (SASE) in 2022.

Download Analyst Report

This mateial is brought to you through techiupdates.com. techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how The Medialytics might Process your personal data please read our privacy statement.


Digital maturity in banking


Digital maturity in banking

Learn the five technology characteristics Celent identified as prerequisites to digital transformation as part of a larger digital maturity framework.

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Ten Digital Payment trends that every CEO must understand

Ten Digital Payment trends that every CEO must understand

Explore 10 key digital payment trends.

Digital payments help improve your business through reduced costs and customer friction, and better agility – not to mention the added opportunity to capture valuable payment metadata for more streamlined communication with customers and suppliers.

Explore 10 new trends in digital payments in this report from MGI Research.

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Cómo puede ayudar la tecnología a que el sector de servicios profesionales tenga éxito en un mundo con constante cambio (en inglés)

Cómo puede ayudar la tecnología a que el sector de servicios profesionales tenga éxito en un mundo en constante cambio (en inglés)

Workday para el sector de los servicios profesionales ¿Cómo preparan los líderes del sector de servicios profesionales a sus compañías -y sus empleados- para tener éxito a la hora de afrontar la incertidumbre?. Requiere un enfoque holístico que utilice la tecnología para innovar y prestar servicios.

Lee este eBook para aprender:

  • Cómo preparar a tu empresa para el futuro combatiendo la incertidumbre
  • Por qué se necesita una enfoque con el empleado en el centro para tener éxito
  • Qué inversiones clave puedes realizar para llevar a cabo una transformación de manera efectiva
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El Futuro de las Empresas de Servicios Profesionales (en inglés)

El Futuro de las Empresas de Servicios Profesionales (en inglés)

Transformación digital y nuevas prioridades.

Ya está aquí la era de la digitalización de los servicios profesionales y las compañías necesitan estrategias para mantenerse por delante de la competencia. En este informe podrás conocer las mejores prácticas para acelerar la digitalización en toda tu organización, incluyendo:

  • Ofrecer una estrategia unificada
  • Obtener acceso en tiempo real a insights de datos predictivos
  • Optimizar las skills y el talento de los empleados
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