
Customer Journeys: A Three-Part Strategy for Upping Your Game

Viaje del cliente: una estrategia de tres partes para mejorar su juego

Descarga el informe de investigación y descubre los entresijos de la creación de recorridos muy personalizados, fluidos y actualizados. Aprenderás a hacer lo siguiente:

  • Conocer a tus clientes e involucrarlos “en el ahora”
  • Unificar acciones de marketing con momentos individuales
  • Automatizar decisiones para una personalización ampliable
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Lo esencial de la experiencia

Lo esencial de la experiencia

Para satisfacer las expectativas de los consumidores y tener éxito, las empresas deben aprender a crear experiencias significativas que las diferencien de la competencia. Con este fin, indicamos estos cuatro pilares para crear un comercio exitoso impulsado por la experiencia:

  • Experiencias unificadas
  • Comercio de inteligência
  • Agilidad empresarial
  • Empresa a escala


Descubre el auténtico valor de estos pilares y cómo el impulso de la madurez digital de tu empresa te dará la flexibilidad necesaria para ofrecer experiencias del cliente coherentes en todos los canales.

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Path to experience driven commerce

El camino hacia el comercio impulsado por la experiencia

Sumerja su negocio hacia un mejor compromiso

Las empresas deben aprender a diferenciarse para mantenerse a la vanguardia. Las experiencias mejoradas pueden ayudarlo a desarrollar relaciones valiosas y duraderas con sus clientes. Descubra cómo impulsar su negocio en The Path of Experience-Driven Commerce.

Lea la guía para aprender a:

  • Comprender a tu audiencia y aumentar el compromiso.
  • Poseer la experiencia omnicanal
  • Habilitar información comercial y de clientes.
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Rear view of a businessman talking on the phone in a city

Inteligencia artificial y comercio electrónico

Inteligencia artificial y comercio electrónico

A medida que el recorrido del comprador cambia y se diversifica más rápido que nunca, las capacidades de comercio inteligente permiten ofrecer a cada cliente la experiencia digital que desea.

Descubre en The Rise of Intelligent Commerce cómo las herramientas con IA ayudan a optimizar y escalar las experiencias del sitio web para aumentar las ventas.

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The future of cyber security: 2022 predictions from Darktrace

The future of cyber security: 2022 predictions from Darktrace

2021 brought some of the most significant cyber-attacks in history – from the Kaseya supply chain ransomware attack to cyber-criminals attempting to poison the water supply in Florida, to the already infamous Log4Shell vulnerability.

In this article, Darktrace experts take insights from over 6,500 organizations and predict key trends to look out for in 2022, including:

  • The development of software supply chain attacks
  • A broadening concept of ransomware
  • The improvement of human and AI relationships with Explainable Artificial Intelligence
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3D earth graphic symbolizing global trade, vector illustration.

How SonicWall Grew Exponentially on a Global Scale Post-Divestiture

How SonicWall Grew Exponentially on a Global Scale Post-Divestiture

Globalization Partners helped SonicWall succeed and grow internationally.

SonicWall has seen a number of organizational changes throughout its 30-year history, from its early days as an innovator in SMB network security to its decade as a public company, its five years as a part of Dell and the past five years of private ownership following divestiture.

When the time came following the Dell divestiture to set up new systems and processes to manage employees scattered throughout Europe and Asia, there was only one obvious answer: use Globalization Partners’ global employment platform.

“We had a few countries under Globalization Partners when we split from Dell, but the larger balance was with another provider. However, Globalization Partners quickly proved to be our go-to partner because of their commitment to service, attention to detail, investments in technology, and excellent communication. As time went on, we eventually standardized around Globalization Partners and have never looked back,” said Bryce Ashcraft, Vice President of Global Human Resources at SonicWall.

Download the case study to find out:

  • How Globalization Partners can act as an expert advisor to organizations going through change.
  • Why selecting a global employment platform with a wholly owned infrastructure can prevent costly mistakes.
  • How Globalization Partners helps companies retain and hire top talent anywhere in the world.
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Global Hiring Handbook: Onboard and Manage Talent in 20 Top Expansion Countries

Global Hiring Handbook: Onboard and Manage Talent in
20 Top Expansion Countries

Are You Adding International Team Members?

If a global hire is on the horizon, now is the time to study up on what you need to know. From creating a compliant employment contract, to providing competitive benefits, to managing cross-culturally, this is the guidebook to help you get started.

Get insight into how to onboard and manage talent in the top markets of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and the Americas.

For each country, you will find detailed information regarding:

  • Employment Contracts:what’s compliant in-country? The answer may surprise you.
  • Team Operations:from working hours to holidays to cultural management tips, we have you covered.
  • Benefits and More:know the country-specific leave customs, how health insurance works, and what other allowances your global team expects.
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The Complete Guide to International Worker Classification

The Complete Guide to International Worker Classification

Employee vs. Contractor: Compliance Is Key When You Hire Globally

Is your company deciding between hiring international employees or contractors?

It’s vital to know the difference between these two types of workers to classify them correctly, avoid penalties, and protect the intellectual property generated for your company.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • The difference between international employees and contractors.
  • The risks of worker misclassification.
  • Your options for hiring international employees and contractors.
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The Complete Guide to Building a Remote Global Team eBook

The Complete Guide to Building a Remote Global Team eBook

What’s so great about a remote, global team?

A diverse, distributed team adds efficiency, improves the overall chances of success for a business, and most importantly, adds another measure of resilience. And in times of crisis and uncertainty, it’s resilience that helps businesses come out stronger on the other side.

Download the ebook to learn:

  • The top five business benefits to building a remote, global team.
  • What to expect when handling the logistics of hiring and managing people around the world.
  • Strategies for attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent.
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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.

Corporate Business Planning with business chart Teamwork Concept.

The CFO’s Secret to Global Business Expansion Whitepaper

The CFO's Secret to Global Business Expansion Whitepaper

Globalization Partners and CFO Research surveyed C-level executives at U.S. companies to learn first-hand their challenges when it comes to global expansion – and their best practices to work through those challenges.

Here’s a sample of what they found:

  • 94% of those surveyed believe a global employer of record (EOR) can do a much better job of overcoming potential barriers to operating in a new country than a company can do in-house.
  • 51% say legal and HR compliance is the top benefit of working with a global EOR.
  • 58% said they already use a global EOR, or plan to do so within the next three years.

Download the whitepaper to understand the challenges—and the solutions of global expansion.

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