Mergers and Acquisitions: A sales tax compliance overview to help reduce your risk

Mergers and Acquisitions: A sales tax compliance
overview to help reduce your risk

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are pivotal for business growth. As companies evolve, expanding product lines and market shares, sales tax compliance often gets overlooked. Yet, it’s key to avoid hefty penalties. Our guide, “Mergers and Acquisitions: A Sales Tax Compliance Overview,” helps reduce your risk by highlighting crucial tax scenarios and considerations, ensuring a smooth M&A transition and robust competitive positioning.

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The Future of e-Invoicing

The Future of e-Invoicing

E-invoicing has come a long way in the past 10 years, and the digitalization of tax isn’t going to end there. In our latest ebook, we dive into the details behind e-invoicing, and discover what’s next on the horizon for global digital compliance. In the ebook, we cover the following topics:

  • Exploring the digital transformation of tax: Now and going forward
  • The e-invoicing journey: Where we are and where we’re heading
  • Invoicing and tax: Two parts of one whole
  • The future of e-invoicing and global e-compliance

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Avalara Tax Changes 2024

Avalara Tax Changes 2024

Get your copy of Avalara’s eighth annual report — Avalara Tax Changes 2024. With 160+ pages of legislative updates that could impact your business, plus a detailed look at seven industries, this profoundly useful resource is for anyone working in finance, running a business, or dealing with compliance in or beyond the U.S.

In this year’s report, discover:

  • How some states are trying different tactics to simplify local sales taxes and impose tax obligations on remote sellers
  •  Which states may define new technologies for tax purposes and decide how to tax metaverse transactions
  • What changes impact specific industries, such as retail, manufacturing, communications, and lodging
  • And much more


Download your copy today

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Projektbasiertes Lernen, aktives Lernen und formative Prüfungen sind flexible Bildungsstrategien, die das Gelernte mit der realen Welt verbinden.

Lesen Sie dieses E -Book und erfahren Sie, wie Technologie drei der wichtigsten Lernmodelle effektiver machen kann:

  • Einfach zu implementierende, mehrdimensionale Projekte erstellen
  • Förderung unterschiedlicher Formen des Lernens
  • Förderung der Zusammenarbeit
  • Besseres Lernen
  • Remote-Lerner mit realen Szenarien in Verbindung gebracht werden
  • Bewertung des Wissens der Schüler auf unterschiedliche Weise



L’apprentissage basé sur des projets, l’apprentissage actif et les évaluations formatives constituent des stratégies éducatives flexibles qui connectent ce que les élèves apprennent au monde réel.

Lisez cet ebook pour découvrir comment la technologie peut rendre trois des principaux modèles d’apprentissage plus efficaces par:

  • Créer des projets multidimensionnels faciles à mettre en œuvre
  • Prendre en charge différentes expressions de l’apprentissage
  • Encourager la collaboration
  • Renforcer l’apprentissage
  • Connecter les apprenants distants aux scénarios du monde réel
  • Évaluer les connaissances des élèves de différentes manières

The Right Tools: 3 Solution Sets For Innovative Learning Models

The Right Tools: 3 Solution Sets For Innovative Learning Models

Project-based learning, active learning and formative assessments are flexible education strategies that connect what students learn to the real world.

Read this eBook to explore ways technology can make three of the top learning models more effective by:

  • Creating easy-to-implement, multi-dimensional projects
  • Supporting different expressions of learning
  • Encouraging collaboration
  • Reinforcing learning
  • Connecting distant learners to real-world scenarios
  • Evaluating student knowledge in different ways

Planning & Execution Guide logichron

Active planning for tech companies

Planning and Execution in a Changing World

Can your planning systems keep up with new realities? If you don’t have a strategy for connecting the way you plan to the way you execute and analyse, the answer is no.

Read this guide to discover how a new approach to planning can help empower your entire organisation to reach higher levels of agility and excellence.

Download the whitepaper

Practical Steps to Business Agility: An Essential Guide to Active Planning for Financial Services

Practical Steps to Business Agility: An Essential Guide to Active Planning for Financial Services

Make the case for agile planning at your organization.
To stay competitive in today’s world, financial services organizations need to be able to pivot quickly with data-driven insights.

This guide outlines three steps to break down the spreadsheet status quo and build a more agile, collaborative, and resilient organization with active planning.

Download the whitepaper

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The CFO’s Secret to Global Business Expansion Whitepaper

The CFO's Secret to Global Business Expansion Whitepaper

Globalization Partners and CFO Research surveyed C-level executives at U.S. companies to learn first-hand their challenges when it comes to global expansion – and their best practices to work through those challenges.

Here’s a sample of what they found:

  • 94% of those surveyed believe a global employer of record (EOR) can do a much better job of overcoming potential barriers to operating in a new country than a company can do in-house.
  • 51% say legal and HR compliance is the top benefit of working with a global EOR.
  • 58% said they already use a global EOR, or plan to do so within the next three years.

Download the whitepaper to understand the challenges—and the solutions of global expansion.

Download the eBook

This Material is brought to you through is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.