How to deliver 6-figure value to your virtual event sponsors

How to deliver 6-figure value to your virtual event sponsors

Online events are actually very profitable for organizers and sponsors alike – organizers just have to use the right platform and clearly identify the value they’re delivering.

With Hopin’s new ebook How to Deliver 6-Figure Value to Virtual Event Sponsors you’ll learn just that. In this short guide, we share five valuable ways the Hopin platform provides to help event organizers communicate the full value of a sponsorship, including:

  • How to capture granular and nuanced attendee data

  • How to amplify brand exposure

  • How to build engaging digital expo booths

  • How to create incredibly targeted messaging

  • How to deliver effective post-event follow ups

Download the guide today.

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Hopin – Guide to Hybrid Events

Guide to Hybrid Events

Looking to harness the power of hybrid events?

Learn how to master the hybrid event experience from the perspective of every stakeholder involved – organizers, attendees, speakers, and sponsors – and equip yourself with a strategic planning resource with actionable tips and takeaways for success. In this free guide, you’ll find:

  • A 360-degree breakdown of hybrid events and how they work
  • Tips for running hybrid customer, user, and conference experiences
  • Hybrid event insights for attendees, organizers, speakers, & sponsors
  • Four brand-building benefits of hybrid events & examples
  • A hybrid event planning checklist to guide your organizing efforts
  • Why virtual experiences don’t compete with in-person events


Get your free guide today!

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IDG (C)IAM 2022 Study

IDG (C)IAM 2022 Study

Who is responsible for the Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) strategy within an organization? Is it IT and security – or product management, development, and marketing? How can businesses create a secure and reliable system for managing the digital identities of their customers? Which authentication technologies drive simple and secure customer experiences? To answer these questions and more, Auth0 engaged IDG Research Services to survey 288 senior (IT) managers at companies in the DACH region about their CIAM strategy. Interviews were conducted online between September and October 2021.

Download the whitepaper to get exclusive insights from the IDG “CIAM 2022” study, including:

  • How your organization can take a customer-first approach to CIAM

  • Key decision-makers for the deployment of a CIAM strategy

  • Tips for designing a safe and user-friendly registration process

  • Trends driving the future of CIAM including the future of authentication

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© 2013 – 2022 Auth0® Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The State of Secure Identity Report

The State of Secure Identity Report

There are numerous threats targeting identity systems. Are you familiar with them all? In the first four months of 2021 alone, Auth0 observed more than 87,000 attempts to brute force multifactor authentication. For the inaugural State of Secure Identity report, Auth0 shares insights from our own trends and analysis to help define the space, clarify emerging threats and provide concrete strategies for mitigation.

This executive summary ensures you get the high level overview of trends and threats facing identity systems. For a more in-depth analysis, read the full-length State of Secure Identity report. Read this report to learn about:

  • Credential stuffing

  • Injection attacks

  • Fake account creation

  • MFA bypass attacks

  • What defensive measures are being adopted to combat these attacks

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© 2013 – 2022 Auth0® Inc. All Rights Reserved.

7 Things You Need to Know About Passwordless Authentication

7 Things You Need to Know About Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless takes the guesswork out of secure, frictionless authentication — an increasingly urgent priority as customer experience moves online.

Seamless authentication cultivates customer trust and can improve conversion rates, since a user frustrated by a clunky login or checkout process is likely to abandon their shopping cart without making a purchase.

In this paper, we’ll explain what passwordless means, explore the different types of passwordless authentication, and examine how this approach enables a secure yet seamless customer experience.

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© 2013 – 2022 Auth0® Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Build vs. Buy: Guide to Evaluating Identity Management

Build vs. Buy: Guide to Evaluating Identity Management

What is identity management and when should you build vs buy? Download this free comprehensive 22-page guide to learn about modern identity for different use cases and whether your current solution is hindering growth.

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© 2013 – 2022 Auth0® Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework

The Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework

Auth0 has combined our expertise in solving identity challenges with our customers’ collective knowledge and experience to establish a set of best practices and expert advice called the Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework. Created alongside some of our biggest clients, it’s a collaborative tool we use to measure and quantify the effectiveness of your identity solution across your organization.

This white paper will provide an overview of the Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework as well as a detailed Auth0 IMF case study that showcases how the benchmarking and IMF roadmap planning sessions occur. Fill out the form to learn more.

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© 2013 – 2022 Auth0® Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CIAM – Balance Security with Customer Experience

CIAM - Balance Security with Customer Experience

CIAM Helps Find the Balance between Security and Customer Experience

This whitepaper looks at ways you can use CIAM to strengthen the perimeter around your customer data. From fine-tuning the balance, you achieve between security, privacy for your customers, and the user experience they get when visiting your site to consolidating your user data into a single source of truth, CIAM can help you lock down your data without adding friction for your customers.

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© 2013 – 2022 Auth0® Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP Program

Gartner® : Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP Program

It is often said that DLP is not a product, it’s a strategy – success is dependent on meticulous planning, setting clear business goals, collaboration and a cycle of continuous review and refinement.

In “Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP program”, Gartner identifies the key principles that should underpin your strategy. They explain their recommendations of why you must:

  • “Collaborate With Business Leaders to Identify Data Handling Best Practices
  • Adopt User Education and Security Awareness as Components of a DLP Program
  • Select DLP Technologies That Factor in the Greater Business Strategy and Integrate With Data Security Use Cases
  • Report to Stakeholders and Build Incident Response Processes to Demonstrate Data Security Maturity”


Gartner, Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP Program, Andrew Bales, 20 August 2021


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