Six Stages to a Painless DLP Migration

Six Stages to a Painless DLP Migration

Implementing DLP is a complex process, as anyone who has done it knows – and the idea of doing it again might cause some sleepless nights! But transitioning to Forcepoint DLP doesn’t have to be painful; with the right product, the right partners and crucially, the right plan, you can realize a successful transition in as little as 6 weeks!

Find out how with our Six Stages to a Painless DLP Migration Guide:

  • Stage 1 – Scope & Project Initiation
  • Stage 2 – Review Your Current Environment
  • Stage 3 – Installation & Configuration
  • Stage 4 – Migration
  • Stage 5 – Monitoring and Testing
  • Stage 6 – Knowledge Transfer

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Datenschutzlösungen für Unternehmen im Überblick eBook

Datenschutzlösungen für Unternehmen im Überblick eBook

Datenschutz, Wettbewerbsvorteile, der Wert einer Marke, finanzielle Stabilität und das Vertrauen der Kunden sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Daher ist die Auswahl eines neuen Partners im Bereich Datenschutz eine Entscheidung, die gut überlegt sein will. Als Entscheidungshilfe erhalten Sie in diesem Ratgeber einen Überblick über die marktführenden Lösungen für Unternehmen.

In diesem Ratgeber erfahren Sie,

  • welche 11 Kriterien beim Vergleich von Lösungen besonders relevant sind
  • wie Sie Ihre Fragen formulieren müssen, um eine aussagekräftige Antwort zu erhalten
  • wie sich die sechs meistverkauften Datenschutzlösungen für Unternehmen konkret voneinander unterscheiden

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Gartner® Predicts 2022: Consolidated Security Platforms Are the Future

Gartner® Predicts 2022: Consolidated Security Platforms Are the Future

‘By 2025, 80% of enterprises will have adopted a strategy to unify web, cloud services and private application access from a single vendor’s security service edge (SSE) platform.’*

“Security and risk management leaders continue to be asked to do more with less — facing more demand for service, fast-changing threat landscapes and insufficient technical talent. This research predicts that platform consolidation will help SRM leaders’ organizations thrive in hostile environments.”

This demand has led to a new class of security technology referred to as Security Service Edge (SSE), it’s changing the way organizations protect their users and resources. SSE is the security half of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and represents the convergence of three key distinct technologies:

  • Secure Web Gateway (SWG)
  • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Download the report to see why this unified approach provides a better, simpler way to deliver safe access to the web, cloud, and private applications.

Gartner, Predicts 2022: Consolidated Security Platforms are the Future, Charlie Winckless, Joerg Fritsch, Peter Firstbrook, Neil MacDonald, Brian Lowans, 1 December 2021

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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Thinking Outside the Network Security Box

Thinking Outside the Network Security Box

“When workers open a document or send a file to their colleague, they don’t stop to think about how it all happens.”

Petko Stoyanov, Forcepoint CTO

A dispersed and hybrid workforce has made cybersecurity more challenging. To guarantee access to all services, safe from hackers and ransomware gangs, IT teams are turning to life-changing SASE and Zero Trust technologies. Download your copy of Thinking Outside the Network Security Box to discover how:

  • Modern corporations can benefit from systems that are easier to run and quicker to adapt
  • User experience and productivity can be vastly improved with a zero-trust approach
  • Combining SD-Wan with a next-generation firewall allows you to adopt the best networking posture available today.

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Conversational Geek Guide: SASE and Zero Trust

Conversational Geek Guide: SASE and Zero Trust

A Guide to Empowering and Securing the hybrid workforce with SASE and Zero Trust

When the world rushed to support a remote workforce, many organizations were literally digging up old VPN appliances from closets – they did whatever they had to, to keep the lights on. Now, having caught their breath, security and network teams are looking to the future for new approaches like Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) to deliver uniform visibility and control across the web, cloud, and private apps.

At the same time, the surge in cyberattacks felt across these exposed environments has prompted a move towards the Zero Trust security model. And it is the intersection of these two shifts that is providing a solution to the challenges that security teams face today.

In this Conversational Geek Guide, we explore how organizations can make best use of these two models to keep their people and their data safe, wherever they are.

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Building a Resilient Network

Building a Resilient Network

5 SD-WAN Myths

By now, almost everyone knows something about software-defined-wide-area networking (SD-WAN). SD-WAN is getting a lot of buzz over its MPLS counterpart, but every innovation in tech comes with certain misconceptions—it’s just part of the territory.

Can SD-WAN take the place of internet? SD-WAN doesn’t require on-premises hardware, right? Outside of cost, is it really better than MPLS?

Get the answers to these questions and more, including clarity around the advantages and limitations of SD-WAN technologies.

And yes—SD-WAN really is better than MPLS.

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6 Stages for a Successful DLP Migration

6 Stages for a Successful DLP Migration

How did a large enterprise customer migrate its DLP with 100,000 endpoints in just six weeks? By leveraging the same six-stage framework that countless businesses across the world have used to successfully migrate to Forcepoint DLP. Hosts Abdul Pasha, Sr. Manager of Professional Services, and Kevin Oliveira, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, share their best practices and strategic tips for seamlessly migrating DLP platforms of all sizes.

Key topics include:

  • Planning your timeline backward from a target implementation date
  • Understanding similarities of language and functionality for both platforms
  • Facilitating post-implementation knowledge transfer

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머신 러닝 모델을 구축하고 교육하기 위해 데이터 과학자는 막대한 양의 데이터를 필요로 합니다. AI 시대에 데이터에 대한 빠르고 정확한 액세스는 중요한 경쟁 차별화 요소가 되어 왔지만 데이터 관리는 일반적으로 프로세스 중 가장 많은 시간이 소요되는 측면으로 인식되고 있습니다.

이 백서에서는 오늘날의 데이터 과학 및 ML 이니셔티브를 주도하는 데이터 요구 사항을 식별하도록 돕고 Snowflake로 이러한 요구 사항을 충족하는 방법을 설명합니다. 또한, 다음과 같은 사항을 배웁니다.

  • 데이터 과학에서 머신 러닝의 역할
  • 머신 러닝 및 분석을 위한 데이터 통합
  • Snowflake가 효율적인 고속 데이터 준비 및 기존 및 새로운 데이터 과학 기술에 대한 커넥터를 지원하는 방법

지금 다운로드


데이터 엔지니어링의 세계는 빠르게 변화하고 있습니다. IoT, AI, 클라우드와 같은 기술은 데이터 파이프라인을 변화시키고 기존의 데이터 관리 방식을 뒤엎고 있습니다.

데이터베이스와 데이터 웨어하우스가 클라우드로 이동하고 있고 새로운 도구와 데이터 파이프라인이 ETL 코드를 수동으로 작성하고 데이터를 정리하는 것과 같은 기존의 데이터 엔지니어링 작업을 대체하고 있습니다. 결과적으로 기업은 엔지니어에게 데이터 전략 및 파이프라인 최적화에 대한 지침을 제공하도록 요청하고 있습니다.

다음을 위해 당사의 전자책, 데이터 엔지니어링을 위한 모범 사례를 다운로드하십시오.

  • 비즈니스에서 데이터의 힘을 활용할 수 있도록 기술을 연마
  • 최고의 데이터 전략 및 파이프라인 최적화
  • 새로운 기술이 데이터 관리에 혁신을 일으키는 방법 이해

지금 다운로드


데이터에서 최대한의 통찰력을 끌어내고 있습니까? 원유와 마찬가지로 데이터는 처리되고 비즈니스를 추진하는 데 사용될 때 훨씬 더 가치가 있습니다. 기존의 데이터 웨어하우스는 오늘날 기업이 생성하는 데이터의 양, 복잡성 및 다양성을 처리할 수 없으며 실시간으로 해당 데이터에 액세스하고 분석해야 하는 여러 부서의 요구를 동시에 충족할 수 없습니다.

이 전자책에서는 다음을 포함해 데이터 클라우드로 귀하의 데이터 웨어하우스를 최신화해야 하는 다섯 가지 강력한 이유를 간략하게 설명합니다.

  • 높은 데이터 품질을 보장하는 도구와의 손쉬운 통합
  • 하찮은 작업에 시간을 소비하는 대신 데이터 기반 통찰력에 집중할 수 있는 능력
  • 더 나은 협업 촉진 등

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