3D earth graphic symbolizing global trade, vector illustration.

2022 data protection trends report

2022 Data Protection Trends Report

3,000+ business and IT leaders were surveyed on their IT and data protection strategies, including their plans for 2022. Learn how business and IT leaders addressed these issues from shared insights:

  • 67% of organizations use cloud services as part of their data protection strategy
  • 40% of servers suffered at least one outage per year
  • 42% of IT leaders consider hybrid‑cloud workload protection as the most important aspect of enterprise backup
  • 20% of IT implementers say improving reliability or RPO/RTO will drive changing their backup solution in 2022
  • And more!

Register and download the 2022 Data Protection Trends report to find out more.

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Personalization: The Key to Your Digital Transformation

Personalization: The Key to Your Digital Transformation

Tailored experiences are essential for brilliant customer engagement. Imagine a consumer receiving a message from a brand telling them about a better deal on an item they’ve just purchased. Brands can lose revenue and even customers from these sorts of bad digital experiences. But personalization done right can drive an average revenue uplift of 10-30%

So, what does exceptional personalization look like, and how can you achieve it—even in an era of increased regulation around privacy? Let’s explore how brands and technical teams can leverage a data-driven tech stack to stand out in a crowded messaging environment.

Download the Braze guide to learn:

  • 4 successful examples of personalization from brands like Pizza Hut and Bloom and Wild
  • 3 ways for technical teams to build the right tech stack for better digital experiences
  • How personalization drives stronger business outcomes
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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.


Cinco beneficios estratégicos del desarrollo nativo de la nube para el sector bancario

Papel blanco

Cinco beneficios estratégicos del desarrollo nativo de la nube para el sector bancario

El sector bancario aún se encuentra en el proceso de transformación digital basada en la nube. Resulta fundamental adoptar un enfoque de implementación que sea más rápido, ágil y adaptable para cumplir las prioridades empresariales y satisfacer a los clientes. Red Hat® OpenShift® Platform, junto con la tecnología de automatización e integración nativa de la nube de Red Hat, constituye la base de open source empresarial que faculta a los desarrolladores para diseñar, desarrollar, implementar e integrar las aplicaciones nativas de la nube en cualquier infraestructura.

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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.