CX best practices: How APAC brands drive service excellence and efficiency

CX best practices: How APAC brands drive service excellence and efficiency

In the changing landscape of business, where technology and automation promises efficiency, it’s easy to lose sight of the heartbeat of every business: people. Amidst the strategies aimed at enhancing customer experience (CX), there lies a fundamental truth often overlooked—the significance of prioritising people over processes. We’ll share how to take advantage of emerging tech to do that well, and at scale.

Download the report and learn how our APAC leaders were able to deliver exceptional customer experiences while driving operational efficiencies

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What’s the latest from the front lines of CX?

CX Bible

What’s the latest from the front lines of CX?

Big challenger brands go beyond solving problems to keep customers—they turn tricky moments of tension into empathetic, impactful service.

As experts helping many companies kickstart and mature their CX drive, we know the thorny side of CX very well—and we share our learnings to help brands transform their customer experience strategies.

Read our CX Bible and discover:

  • Business case studies that don’t hold back
  • Client perspectives and real KPI uplifts
  • The small stuff sweated – insights into unique CX problems
  • All-round insight and recommendation from our experts
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Flexible CX partnerships drive long-term growth

Return on Outsourcing

Flexible CX partnerships drive long-term growth

Bigger businesses can spiral out of control when they grow fast. Long-lasting, stable CX efforts work best when they’re outsourced to the experts.

But not just any expert. You want one who’s seen it all before, who sets agents up and running in only a few weeks, who can ramp capacities up or down and who’s truly empathetic to your needs.

That’s a better return on your outsourcing investment. Discover:

  • What it takes to develop long-term CX success and ROI
  • Signs to look out for in a capable outsourcing partner and what your present and future hold for CX
  • The reality of training and deploying agents towards fulfilling your goals
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Tenable’s 2021 Threat Landscape Retrospective


Tenable's 2021 Threat Landscape Retrospective

  • Comprehensive analysis of the most notable vulnerabilities of 2021 with additional insights on how they’re used in attack chains.
  • Understanding of the risks impacting sensitive technology, including increased connectivity across OT devices and the challenges associated in securing them.
  • Common misconfigurations in cloud and Active Directory environments that can give attackers access to your organization’s most sensitive information.
  • How trust relationships can be exploited by attackers to gain access to sensitive environments.
  • How ransomware groups continue to evolve, from double extortion to attacks against critical infrastructure and the supply chain.

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© 2020 Tenable®, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Reference Architecture: Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Need to Evolve to a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Strategy but Don’t Know How? This Guide Will Show You.

Implementing a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Solution is easier than you think. And, once you evolve to this proactive, strategic methodology, you can immediately begin reaping the benefits of a VM program that delivers the dynamic, continuous visibility you need to proactively manage risk and make strategic decisions. Ready to make the most efficient use of your limited security resources?

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© 2020 Tenable®, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Risk-based Vulnerability Management: Focus On The Vulnerabilities That Pose The Greatest Risk

Ebook: Risk-Based Vulnerability Management: The Best Way to Prioritize

Security teams are dealing with more vulnerabilities than they can handle. Spreading these limited resources too thin can quickly lead to inefficiency and burnout. Don’t waste precious time remediating vulnerabilities that pose little to no risk.

With risk-based vulnerability management, you’ll know exactly which vulnerabilities are likely to be exploited – and the ones that will cause the biggest impact on the business. Download the new ebook now to:

  • See how risk-based vulnerability management answers, “What should we fix first?”
  • Understand why legacy vulnerability management is no match for today’s digital world
  • Find out why CVSS fails as a prioritization tool – and why it’s imperative to consider business context, including vulnerability data, threat intelligence and asset criticality

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© 2020 Tenable®, Inc. All Rights Reserved