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Ten Digital Payment trends that every CEO must understand

Ten Digital Payment trends that every CEO must understand

Explore 10 key digital payment trends.

Digital payments help improve your business through reduced costs and customer friction, and better agility – not to mention the added opportunity to capture valuable payment metadata for more streamlined communication with customers and suppliers.

Explore 10 new trends in digital payments in this report from MGI Research.

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Cómo puede ayudar la tecnología a que el sector de servicios profesionales tenga éxito en un mundo con constante cambio (en inglés)

Cómo puede ayudar la tecnología a que el sector de servicios profesionales tenga éxito en un mundo en constante cambio (en inglés)

Workday para el sector de los servicios profesionales ¿Cómo preparan los líderes del sector de servicios profesionales a sus compañías -y sus empleados- para tener éxito a la hora de afrontar la incertidumbre?. Requiere un enfoque holístico que utilice la tecnología para innovar y prestar servicios.

Lee este eBook para aprender:

  • Cómo preparar a tu empresa para el futuro combatiendo la incertidumbre
  • Por qué se necesita una enfoque con el empleado en el centro para tener éxito
  • Qué inversiones clave puedes realizar para llevar a cabo una transformación de manera efectiva
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El Futuro de las Empresas de Servicios Profesionales (en inglés)

El Futuro de las Empresas de Servicios Profesionales (en inglés)

Transformación digital y nuevas prioridades.

Ya está aquí la era de la digitalización de los servicios profesionales y las compañías necesitan estrategias para mantenerse por delante de la competencia. En este informe podrás conocer las mejores prácticas para acelerar la digitalización en toda tu organización, incluyendo:

  • Ofrecer una estrategia unificada
  • Obtener acceso en tiempo real a insights de datos predictivos
  • Optimizar las skills y el talento de los empleados
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Rear view of a businessman talking on the phone in a city

Come la tecnologia può aiutare il settore dei servizi professionali ad avere successo in un mondo che cambia (in inglese)

Come la tecnologia può aiutare il settore dei servizi professionali ad avere successo in un mondo che cambia (in inglese)

Workday per il settore dei servizi professionali e di business. Come possono i leader dei servizi professionali preparare le loro società e le loro persone ad avere successo di fronte all’incertezza? Serve un approccio a tutto tondo, che usi la tecnologia per innovare e fornire i servizi. Leggi questo eBook per scoprire:

  • Come preparare la tua azienda alla prova dell’incertezza
  • Perché per avere successo serve un approccio basato prima di tutto sulle persone
  • Quali sono gli investimenti chiave per trasformare davvero la propria azienda
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ll futuro delle società di servizi professionali (in inglese)

ll futuro delle società di servizi professionali (in inglese)

Trasformazione digitale e un nuovo set di priorità. È ora di digitalizzare i servizi professionali: alle aziende servono strategie per battere la concorrenza. In questo report troverai le best practice per l’accelerazione digitale della tua azienda, best practice che includono:

  • Costruzione di una strategia unificata
  • Agire in tempo reale, ottenere insight predittivi dai dati
  • Ottimizzare le skill dei collaboratori e i talenti
Scarica il libro bianco
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How AI makes in-sprint UI test automation a reality

How AI makes in-sprint UI test automation a reality

Despite the ongoing push to “shift left” testing for Agile and DevOps, in-sprint UI test automation remains infeasible. Human-driven UI testing is incredibly intuitive, but UI test automation is considered too slow, too fragile, and way too late for today’s fast-paced teams. Automated UI tests traditionally require a fully-implemented — and stable — UI to be in place before they are created. This means they’re often delayed until a later sprint or scrapped altogether.

But making UI test automation more human-like can resolve these challenges, enabling you to create resilient UI test automation even before a single line of code is written. Read this paper to learn how a new AI-driven approach to this traditionally slow test automation practice can dramatically simplify your testing and get you to “done done” in record time.

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How to build a business case for test automation

How to build a business case for test automation

Reducing testing costs is often the first thing organizations think about when they consider adopting test automation. After all, software testing is shockingly expensive; it accounts for an average of 23-35% of the overall IT spend, per the latest World Quality Report. Test automation frees humans to focus on more interesting and value-added tasks while routine checks are performed faster, more frequently, and with increased precision.

Clearly, the value is there. However, even open-source testing tools require a resource investment, and that requires the buy-in of someone higher up. How do you convince the business that test automation is really worth the time, effort, and cost required?

This paper outlines what’s needed to build a strong business case for test automation. It covers:

  • The top 3 considerations for any test automation business case
  • Where most test automation ROI calculations fall short
  • A real-world example of an ROI calculation and business case
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How the world’s top organizations test

How the world’s top organizations test

With every business becoming a digital enterprise, the ability to rapidly release reliable applications is now a core strategic advantage. Are Fortune 500 and equivalent organizations prepared for the digital race ahead? The answer may lie in their software testing process, which can be either a curse or catalyst to speedy innovation.

Continuous Testing enables software to be released 10x faster than traditional testing allows. Yet, its adoption is limited – particularly among large enterprise organizations.

This first-of-its-kind report sheds light on how industry leaders test the software that their business (and the world) relies on. Read this benchmark report to learn:

  • How leaders and laggards differ on key software testing and quality metrics
  • Where most organizations stand in terms of CI/CD integration, test environment strategy, and other key process elements
  • What test design, automation, management, and reporting approaches are trending now
  • Organizations’ top priorities for improving their testing over the next 6 months
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Why you need AI in your continuous testing strategy

Why you need AI in your continuous testing strategy

At the top of every CIO’s mind is how to drive forward innovation at speed, increase levels of productivity, deliver superior and highly scalable digital products and services that increase customer satisfaction, and save costs – all at the same time. Unfortunately, without modernizing your testing with intelligent automation, and treating testing as a strategic component to your digital success, you won’t be as competitive and you can’t innovate as quickly. How do we get there?

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How artificial intelligence adds real value to software test automation

How artificial intelligence adds real value to software test automation

AI isn’t the future of testing; it’s the present-day reality, with ever-increasing significance as organizations are propelling into the next normal. New approaches to AI-powered automation relieve many of the lingering pains that have impeded test automation for decades. Using AI to drive the application like a human would, your team can build extremely resilient future-proof tests across any technology.

Read this paper to learn:

  • About the 3 core phases of test automation and the barriers broken at each level
  • How AI can take the pain out of test design, execution, and maintenance
  • How your team can tap AI for earlier, simpler, and more resilient test automation
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