Unite Your Enterprise with a Modern Cloud Data Platform

Unite Your Enterprise with a Modern Cloud Data Platform


Many analytics solutions create and rely on disparate data silos, increasing the complexity for IT professionals, and delaying time to value for business professionals who need data-driven insights, fast.

A properly architected cloud data platform automates many essential tasks from how data is stored and processed to transaction management, security, governance and metadata management.

In addition, a modern cloud data platform should provide:

  • A multi-cluster, shared data architecture across any cloud
  • Secure and governed data sharing in real time
  • A near-zero maintenance platform delivered as a service for all your data workloads

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The Data Cloud For Dummies


To build and transform your business with data, you need technology that enables you to easily and securely unify, integrate, analyze, and share data. Unfortunately, data for many businesses is in silos, whether on premises or in the cloud.

The Snowflake Data Cloud is a global network where thousands of organizations mobilize data with near-unlimited scale, concurrency, and performance. The Data Cloud removes silos to enable discovering, managing, and sharing data among business units, suppliers, other business partners, and customers.

By downloading this ebook, you’ll get insight into:

  • Securely sharing data locally and globally
  • How the Data Cloud functions for specific industries
  • Real-world Data Cloud case studies
  • The free Snowflake Data Marketplace

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This mateial is brought to you through techiupdates.com. techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how The Techiupdates might Process your personal data please read our privacy statement.

Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP Program

Gartner® : Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP Program

It is often said that DLP is not a product, it’s a strategy – success is dependent on meticulous planning, setting clear business goals, collaboration and a cycle of continuous review and refinement.

In “Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP program”, Gartner identifies the key principles that should underpin your strategy. They explain their recommendations of why you must:

  • “Collaborate With Business Leaders to Identify Data Handling Best Practices
  • Adopt User Education and Security Awareness as Components of a DLP Program
  • Select DLP Technologies That Factor in the Greater Business Strategy and Integrate With Data Security Use Cases
  • Report to Stakeholders and Build Incident Response Processes to Demonstrate Data Security Maturity”


Gartner, Getting DLP Right: 4 Elements of a Successful DLP Program, Andrew Bales, 20 August 2021


Gartner is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Forcepoint.

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Market Guide for Data Loss Prevention

2021 Gartner® Market Guide for Data Loss Prevention

In the newly released Market Guide for Data Loss Prevention Gartner defines and explores the DLP deployment options that we believe can make the most difference for you, by:

  • Explaining the new, useful ways DLP is being integrated into cloud environments
  • Analyzing how channels – Email Security, Secure Web Gateways (SWG), Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), Next-Gen Firewall (NGFW) – incorporate DLP
  • Discussing the role data classification technology plays in bolstering security and compliance

Gartner®, Market Guide for Data Loss Prevention, Ravisha Chugh, Andrew Bales, 28 June 2021

Gartner is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Forcepoint.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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The Spreadsheet User’s Guide to Modern Analytics

The Spreadsheet User’s Guide to Modern Analytics

If you’re working in spreadsheets to do analysis, 90% of your workday is taken up by menial tasks you’d rather not be doing. Formatting data sources. Cleaning and parsing. Applying formulas.

By the time you get to the good stuff — analyzing — you’re worn out and running late to deliver your insights. When job dissatisfaction starts to kick in, it’s time to make a change.

In this e-book, you’ll discover how easy it is to switch to a modern analytics approach. Use the spreadsheet skills you’ve already got — but take advantage of repeatability, transparency, and all the other great features of self-service analytics.

Download this guide to learn:

  • How to spot the 10 symptoms of overdependence on spreadsheets
  • How self-service analytics can simplify and automate your daily routine
  • Which spreadsheet skills translate into powerhouse analytics functions
  • Why making the switch isn’t difficult — it’s a change in mindset, not skillset


Revolutionize the way you spend your day. Download your guide now.

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Six Ways to go from Analytics Friction to Instant Outcomes Whitepaper

Six Ways to go from Analytics Friction to Instant Outcomes Whitepaper

Gut instinct, or data-driven insight? It’s an important choice that can make a huge difference to your bottom line. So this time around, sidestep all the emotional debates and move straight to fact-based agreement.

How? By scaling your analytics — with the help of automation, of course. Others have already done it, and this whitepaper lays out the challenges they’ve faced as well as the successful steps they’ve taken. Find out:

  • How, and why, you could miss out on crucial information for your next decision
  • The biggest likely barrier to accessing and using all your valuable data — not just part of it
  • The simple answer that can immediately eliminate most of your analytical roadblocks
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Automating Analytics: A Human-Centered Approach to Transformative Business Outcome

Automating Analytics: A Human-Centered Approach to Transformative Business Outcome

“Transformation without analytics is just digitization. Analytics makes it transformative.”
—David Sweenor, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Alteryx 

Discover how analytics automation can liberate your people, freeing them from manual, repetitive tasks to focus on work that matters most — delivering breakthrough business outcomes. 

Download this O’Reilly e-book and learn how:

  • A human-centered approach enables more people to deliver breakthrough outcomes with democratized access to data and analytics via user-friendly data pipeline automation 
  • Leading organizations save operational expense and optimize the value of their workforce with analytic automation that reduces labor-intensive, mundane tasks
  • Analytics automation provides employees and leadership continuous and easily maintained insights 


Through all of these transformational capabilities, see how analytics automation helps to create an agile organization that can better serve its customers and clients while improving financial success.

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Data and Analytics in a Digital-First World

Data and Analytics in a Digital-First World

While organizations are placing an even greater emphasis on improving employee data and analytics skills, challenges such as data complexity, technology constraints, skills gaps, and lack of analytics automation continue to impact productivity.

According to IDC’s Infobrief, sponsored by Alteryx1 of more than 1,100 data workers across the globe, “62.4 billion hours are lost annually worldwide due to unsuccessful and inefficient data and analytic activities”.

To compete in today’s digital-first world, organizations will require data and analytic democratization, unified tooling, and the upskilling of data workers.

Whether you’re looking to benchmark your organization against industry peers, or just looking for data to support organizational transformation, this report will help you understand:

  • The current skillsets of data-natives and solutions that enable upskilling
  • How to improve the data and analytics experience
  • Tips for democratizing data and analytics in a digital-first world


Download the latest IDC research to read all the key findings.

1IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Alteryx, Data and Analytics in a Digital-First World, doc #US48688922, January 2022

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A Brief Guide to Innovating Tax with Analytics

A Brief Guide to Innovating Tax with Analytics

Gathering mountains of tax data is likely consuming more than half your or your team’s day. After all, tax functions spend more than 50% of their time gathering tax data and less than 30% of their time on strategic tax analysis.

Top performers in tax have adopted a modern tax strategy that accelerates decision-making capabilities and improves accuracy. A Brief Guide to Innovating Tax with Analytics discusses how to:

  • Achieve peak performance in five critical tax processes
  • Flip your tax data into a strategic business asset
  • Capitalize on real success stories in R&D, state income tax, and more

Transform your tax analytics with a solution that creates huge efficiency and productivity gains. Download your whitepaper now.

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5 Common Tax Processes You Can Automate in One Week

5 Common Tax Processes You Can Automate in One Week

According to McKinsey, an incredible 81 percent of tax processes can be partly or fully automated.

And they should be, to prevent costly fatigue, missed deadlines, fines, and penalties.

Those things add up. In fact, studies show companies pay more than $10 million a year for exactly the kind of issues that automation prevents. But you don’t have to.

In the e-book, find out how to stop paying fines, fees, and the price of human error, by automating these five key processes — and increasing effectiveness per FTE from 30 to 50 percent:

  • Tax reconciliation and validation
  • Fixed asset depreciation
  • Research and development credits
  • Sales appointment
  • Income tax

Get your copy and empower your own tax professionals to blast through repetitive processes, so they can deliver on time and in compliance.

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