3D earth graphic symbolizing global trade, vector illustration.

Conversational Geek: AWS Data Protection

Conversational Geek: AWS Data Protection

In today’s data-driven world, data is available in multiple formats and comes from a variety of sources. This makes it hard to protect, expensive to manage, and difficult to analyze. Download the ‘Conversational Geek Guide to AWS Data Protection’, sponsored by Cohesity, and learn how to build a data protection strategy that scales, is easily backed up and managed from anywhere, and provides you with actionable insights.

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ESG Report: The Evolution of Data Protection Cloud Strategies

ESG Report: The Evolution of Data Protection Cloud Strategies

The broad adoption of public cloud services as a source and repository of business-critical data is placing the onus on data owners to deliver on data protection SLAs of applications, and their associated data, that are cloud-resident. Many users are confused about what exact data protection levels public cloud infrastructure and SaaS solutions provide, leading to potential data loss and compliance risks. In this report, ESG has surveyed IT professionals to better understand how organizations are handling challenges, plans, and strategies, and how they are leveraging cloud services to protect data to the cloud.

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3 Must Haves to Effectively Manage Data in any Cloud eBook

3 Must Haves to Effectively Manage Data in any Cloud eBook

Cloud adoption has enjoyed high double-digit growth in recent years. With the growth, IT professionals are finding it a challenge to deal with the proliferation of data across different locations, infrastructure silos, and management systems that can halt IT effectiveness. Get the scoop on ‘3 must haves’ in how to effectively manage data in any cloud environment.

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The Essential Guide to Modern Data Management

The Essential Guide to Modern Data Management

Data is a critical element of business success, but few organizations manage their data as a strategic asset. Surveys have revealed an alarming range of issues associated with managing enterprise data that impact both business and IT. The underlying cause of these issues is mass data fragmentation, and it is one of the most severe impediments to business agility today. Download the guide to learn how to take control of your data, build data resilience and compliance, and help your IT team become more productive to your business outcomes.

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The State of Data Management Report: Data Management as a Service [Vanson Bourne]

The State of Data Management Report: Data Management as a Service [Vanson Bourne]

IT teams are spending 40% of their time each week managing data infrastructure. In this new report, 70% of study respondents say their organizations are being forced to cut their IT budget over the next year. While it’s clear IT will have limited time and resources for the strategic projects that would help support the business, IT leaders are finding solutions to these problems with Data Management as a Service (DMaaS). Download the report for key findings that aren’t all grim.

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Digital maturity in banking


Digital maturity in banking

Learn the five technology characteristics Celent identified as prerequisites to digital transformation as part of a larger digital maturity framework.

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Ten Digital Payment trends that every CEO must understand

Ten Digital Payment trends that every CEO must understand

Explore 10 key digital payment trends.

Digital payments help improve your business through reduced costs and customer friction, and better agility – not to mention the added opportunity to capture valuable payment metadata for more streamlined communication with customers and suppliers.

Explore 10 new trends in digital payments in this report from MGI Research.

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Cómo puede ayudar la tecnología a que el sector de servicios profesionales tenga éxito en un mundo con constante cambio (en inglés)

Cómo puede ayudar la tecnología a que el sector de servicios profesionales tenga éxito en un mundo en constante cambio (en inglés)

Workday para el sector de los servicios profesionales ¿Cómo preparan los líderes del sector de servicios profesionales a sus compañías -y sus empleados- para tener éxito a la hora de afrontar la incertidumbre?. Requiere un enfoque holístico que utilice la tecnología para innovar y prestar servicios.

Lee este eBook para aprender:

  • Cómo preparar a tu empresa para el futuro combatiendo la incertidumbre
  • Por qué se necesita una enfoque con el empleado en el centro para tener éxito
  • Qué inversiones clave puedes realizar para llevar a cabo una transformación de manera efectiva
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El Futuro de las Empresas de Servicios Profesionales (en inglés)

El Futuro de las Empresas de Servicios Profesionales (en inglés)

Transformación digital y nuevas prioridades.

Ya está aquí la era de la digitalización de los servicios profesionales y las compañías necesitan estrategias para mantenerse por delante de la competencia. En este informe podrás conocer las mejores prácticas para acelerar la digitalización en toda tu organización, incluyendo:

  • Ofrecer una estrategia unificada
  • Obtener acceso en tiempo real a insights de datos predictivos
  • Optimizar las skills y el talento de los empleados
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Come la tecnologia può aiutare il settore dei servizi professionali ad avere successo in un mondo che cambia (in inglese)

Come la tecnologia può aiutare il settore dei servizi professionali ad avere successo in un mondo che cambia (in inglese)

Workday per il settore dei servizi professionali e di business. Come possono i leader dei servizi professionali preparare le loro società e le loro persone ad avere successo di fronte all’incertezza? Serve un approccio a tutto tondo, che usi la tecnologia per innovare e fornire i servizi. Leggi questo eBook per scoprire:

  • Come preparare la tua azienda alla prova dell’incertezza
  • Perché per avere successo serve un approccio basato prima di tutto sulle persone
  • Quali sono gli investimenti chiave per trasformare davvero la propria azienda
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