Planning & Execution Guide logichron

Active planning for tech companies

Planning and Execution in a Changing World

Can your planning systems keep up with new realities? If you don’t have a strategy for connecting the way you plan to the way you execute and analyse, the answer is no.

Read this guide to discover how a new approach to planning can help empower your entire organisation to reach higher levels of agility and excellence.

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The Ultimate Guide to Calculating Marketing Campaign ROI

The Ultimate Guide to Calculating Marketing Campaign ROI

Marketing attribution is key to determining how various channels, messages, and offers impact customers’ decisions. Successful ROI measurement can result in optimized marketing spend, higher conversion rates, improved personalization, optimized creative assets, and improved product development.

The more customer data you have, the more powerful and precise your attribution models can be—and the more ROI you can drive from them. In this ebook, you will learn how to calculate the ROI of your marketing campaigns by harnessing attribution models and mastering three phases of a successful attribution implementation:

  • Eliminating data silos and unifying customer data
  • Activating data science to maximize ROI
  • Fostering cross-functional collaboration

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Practical Steps to Business Agility: An Essential Guide to Active Planning for Financial Services

Practical Steps to Business Agility: An Essential Guide to Active Planning for Financial Services

Make the case for agile planning at your organization.
To stay competitive in today’s world, financial services organizations need to be able to pivot quickly with data-driven insights.

This guide outlines three steps to break down the spreadsheet status quo and build a more agile, collaborative, and resilient organization with active planning.

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IDC Worldwide Human Capital Management and Payroll Applications Software Market Shares, 2020

IDC Worldwide Human Capital Management and Payroll Applications Software Market Shares, 2020

HCM and payroll vendors have had to meet new customer demands as organizations return to the workplace or set up hybrid schedules.

This IDC report explains how:

  • Vendors have stepped up to support new ways of working
  • Leading vendors compare in terms of revenue and market share
  • The HCM/payroll vendor market achieved 7% growth throughout a year of unprecedented change
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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.

Composed of particles swirling abstract graphics,background of sense of science and technology.

Wait… I can Demo

Wait… I can have multi cloud without the complexity?!

More cloud is the name of the game. It offers a competitive advantage and flexibility – but can bring with it a complexity crisis.

What if you could gain consistency of operations across all clouds? Simplifying your hybrid multi-cloud ecosystem with a singular approach to self-service provisioning, management, and governance.

You could bask in the newfound simplicity as you enjoy all the advantages of more (and more) cloud.

This report highlights essential features and capabilities needed to realize the full potential of your cloud strategy, and how the top vendors in the market stack up.We have helped simplify multi-cloud management in numerous companies similar to your company. Let’s chat to evaluate whether this is the right solution for your organization. My calendar is here [link to your calendar availability if you have one] please select a slot to set up a short call.

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Cómo sobrevivir al ransomware: todo lo que hay que saber

Cómo sobrevivir al ransomware: todo lo que hay que saber

Por qué el ransomware no desaparecerá a corto plazo

Los ataques de ransomware siguen acaparando titulares y su grado de sofisticación no deja de aumentar.

¿Cómo ha evolucionado el ransomware desde su descubrimiento allá por 2005? ¿Quiénes son más vulnerables a estos ataques en la actualidad? ¿Qué se recomienda para mitigarlos y prevenirlos?

Descargue el informe técnico «Cómo sobrevivir al ransomware: todo lo que hay que saber» para descubrir:

  • un repaso a los aspectos básicos del ransomware;
  • los cambios que están experimentando los métodos de extorsión;
  • maneras de prepararse para un ataque de ransomware y de prevenirlo;
  • motivos por los que Cortex®XDR™ es el futuro en lo relativo a la contención de las amenazas a la red, los endpoints y la nube; todo, desde una única consola.


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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.


Cortex XDR ofrece una prevención activa general del 100 % según AV-Comparatives

Cortex XDR ofrece una prevención activa general del 100 % según AV-Comparatives

Por qué Cortex XDR obtuvo la máxima certificación

En la última prueba de AV-Comparatives sobre prevención y respuesta en el endpoint (EPR, por sus siglas en inglés), Cortex® XDR™ volvió a ser nombrado «Líder estratégico».

La evaluación de AV-Comparatives abarca la prevención de amenazas en el endpoint, la facilidad de uso y la exhaustividad de las funciones de investigación y respuesta. Así, se garantiza que queden reflejados tanto la eficacia de la seguridad como el coste total de propiedad de las soluciones.

Descargar el informe de AV-Comparatives hoy mismo para conocer lo siguiente:

  • Qué criterios de evaluación se utilizan en este informe sobre EPR.
  • Cómo se combinan la evaluación de la prevención y las funciones de detección y respuesta para esta prueba.
  • Qué grado de eficacia ofrece cada producto, incluidas las acciones de respuesta, la elaboración de informes y la correlación de datos.
  • Cómo Cortex XDR ofrece funciones de prevención y respuesta líderes en el sector con un coste total de propiedad bajo.


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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.


XDR para Dummies

XDR para Dummies

Obtenga la guía para ampliar sus conocimientos sobre la tecnología XDR

Descargue este libro electrónico para conocer la información más reciente sobre la tecnología XDR. Aprenderá todo lo que hay que saber y descubrirá aspectos clave como los siguientes:

  • La situación actual de la detección y respuesta.
  • Qué es y qué no es la tecnología XDR.
  • Diez funciones esenciales de cualquier solución XDR.
  • Cómo ayuda la tecnología XDR a romper el ciclo de vida de los ataques.
  • Casos de uso como la búsqueda de amenazas.

No se lo pierda. Lea nuestro libro electrónico «XDR para Dummies»® hoy mismo.

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This Material is brought to you through techiupdates.com is a library of technology content for Business Professionals and Decision Makers. To receive more free reports from your favorite companies. Please visit techiupdates.com. To know more about how the Techiupdates might process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.