IT – Leggi il e-book Pricing dinamico: Una guida completa

Leggi il e-book - Pricing dinamico: Una guida completa

la tua azienda fatica a salvaguardare i margini di guadagno attraendo al tempo stesso i clienti con prezzi e promozioni adeguati?  

Fare eccessivo affidamento su strategie promozionali può essere un gioco pericoloso per i risultati finanziari: per questo motivo sempre più marchi e commercianti stanno adottando il pricing dinamico. L’adozione di una strategia di pricing dinamico porta una serie di vantaggi in termini di aumento dei ricavi, fra cui…  

  • Migliore controllo sui prezzi
  • Stimolo della domanda
  • Rotazione ottimizzata dell’inventario
  • Redditività sostenibile
  • Gestione del valore del marchio


Leggi il e-book “Pricing dinamico: Una guida completa” per scoprire tutte le sfaccettature di questa strategia di definizione dei prezzi vitale ed efficace, e come i brand stiano sfruttando strumenti basati sull’IA per aumentare la redditività. 


Built for your fleet : A smarter way to manage waste

In this success story, you’ll learn how Prometheus Informatics
powers their unique waste management platform with the
TomTom Navigation SDK. With TomTom and Prometheus’ joint
solution, every step of the process is made easier – helping
waste management fleets save time and money while keeping
the streets clean.

Lets get in touch!


Built for your fleet : Delivering the goods on time

How does Sygic meet its clients’ unique routing needs? It starts
with unmatched location and traffic data from TomTom. Check
out our success story to learn how their Professional Navigation
solution harnesses TomTom map data to plan the best routes for
deliveries, plus TomTom Traffic info for ultra-reliable ETAs.

Lets get in touch!


Built for your fleet : Accurate addresses for on-time deliveries

Read our success story to learn why TomTom geolocation tech
is the secret to SimpliRoute’s success. You’ll discover how we
helped solve their growing pains, co-creating a powerful
geolocation engine that allows the company’s ever-expanding
client base to calculate routes and arrival times with extreme

Lets get in touch!


Built for your fleet : Leveling up field service scheduling

With fresh maps, in-depth traffic insights and precise
geolocation info from TomTom, IFS supplies its clients with the
best routes and spot-on travel times – so they can direct
maintenance and repair teams to jobs with less time, hassle and
Want more details?
Download the case study now.

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Case study: TomTom and Bradshaw Consulting Services (BCS) help emergency service providers navigate traffic and dispatch the right assistance in time

Download our case study to learn how BCS relies on TomTom
and uses maps and live traffic data to power life-saving
emergency responses with its Mobile Area Routing and Vehicle
Location Information System (MARVLIS) product suite. This
solution provides highly accurate driving and arrival time
estimates, giving emergency medical services (EMS) teams a
clearer picture of when lifesaving assistance will reach the scene
of an emergency. Beyond optimizing emergency resource
dispatch and routing, BCS also uses TomTom data to determine
the ideal locations to post emergency vehicles in between calls,
helping EMS teams manage their resources efficiently.

Lets get in touch!

Opportunities for Today’s Investors

Opportunities for Today's Investors

When it comes to growing yourfootprint, talent pipeline and operating costs are often key considerations. In “Opportunities for Today’s Investors”, find out why top global enterprise companies are expanding intoAlberta, including:

Whether you are looking to expand your business geographically orrelocating
your enterprise to a new city, discover whyAlberta is positioned to offerthe ideal
business environment.


Case study: TomTom and StreetLight illuminate new insights into urban mobility.

Today’s cities face tough mobility challenges – from tackling
traffic and cutting emissions to managing new modes of
transport and making it equitable for all. In our case study, you’ll
learn how StreetLight has joined forces with TomTom to help
cities make smarter transportation and infrastructure choices.
Download the case study now to learn how StreetLight uses
TomTom Traffic data to enrich its market-leading transportation
analytics solutions. With access to highly detailed, accurate, and
in-depth traffic information, StreetLight can deliver even more
relevant insights to its customers – helping cut congestion,
maximize infrastructure investments, and keep communities
moving safely.

Lets get in touch!


Case study: TomTom and Nexiga level up location planning.

When location is critical to your business success, how do you
make sure to find that sweet spot? Our case study reveals how
Nexiga, a German location management firm, helps
organizations make the right location-based decisions with
TomTom Traffic solutions. Download your copy of the case study
now to learn how Nexiga became the very first company to
integrate TomTom Traffic Density into their products and how
they continue to benefit from the enormous value this data
brings – gaining faster, deeper traffic insights to give the
company and its customers a clear edge on competitors.

Lets get in touch!

Flow Labs

Case study: TomTom and Flow Labs bring together data, analytics, and AI to beat
traffic for good.

Every year, congestion costs countries billions in fuel, economic
and environmental impact, drivers’ time and more. Flow Labs is
on a mission to fight those losses – and they’ve enlisted TomTom
to accelerate the journey. Download our case study to learn how
Flow Labs has integrated TomTom’s historical and real-time traffic
data into its mobility data analytics and signal optimization
solutions. The move gives transportation professionals a clearer
view of real-road conditions, so they can make smarter decisions
that bring cities one step closer to safe, congestion-free streets.

Lets get in touch!