How to build a business case for test automation

Reducing testing costs is often the first thing organizations think about when they consider adopting test automation. After all, software testing is shockingly expensive; it accounts for an average of 23-35% of the overall IT spend, per the latest World Quality Report. Test automation frees humans to focus on more interesting and value-added tasks while routine checks are performed faster, more frequently, and with increased precision.

Clearly, the value is there. However, even open-source testing tools require a resource investment, and that requires the buy-in of someone higher up. How do you convince the business that test automation is really worth the time, effort, and cost required?

This paper outlines what’s needed to build a strong business case for test automation. It covers:

  • The top 3 considerations for any test automation business case
  • Where most test automation ROI calculations fall short
  • A real-world example of an ROI calculation and business case
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