Digital Services, Cybersecurity, and Federal IT Stimulus Dollars: Developments for 2022

It’s a crucial time for state and local governments (SLGs) to address cybersecurity threats to IT systems. As SLG leaders work to enhance digital citizen services to not only deal with closed facilities and a remote workforce, they’re also tasked with addressing significant citizen expectations for flexibility, convenience, and an Amazon-like experience for online government services.

Fortunately, there are billions in new federal stimulus funds earmarked for SLG entities, and IT departments should expect a substantial portion, especially to remedy challenges in digital services and cybersecurity.

With few exceptions, a majority of SLGs begin their new fiscal year on July 1, and most are still working to determine how these new funds will be allocated to these IT investments.

Watch MeriTalk’s virtual program for an update on the allocation of federal dollars to SLGs, and how SLG leaders are planning to apply internal and federal stimulus dollars to digital services, cybersecurity, and other initiatives.

Congressman, Virginia’s 8th District
U.S. House of Representatives
MeriTalk Senior Advisor, Government Programs
Former Chief Information Officer of Massachusetts and California and President of NASCIO
Threat Intelligence Analyst
Recorded Future
Deputy Chief Information Officer
State of Tennessee
Acting Secretary and Chief Information Officer, Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT)
State of Illinois
Sales Engineer Director, NA East and Public Sector
Technology Advisor and Application Architect
Red Hat
Chief Information Security Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency
Commonwealth of Virginia
State Chief Information Officer and Secretary, Department of Information Technology
State of North Carolina
Strategic Business Executive, Social Services and Labor
Google Cloud


Welcome Remarks


Congressional Keynote


Cybersecurity and Federal IT Stimulus Dollars

Join state and industry cyber experts to learn how they’re planning to allocate the billions in Federal stimulus funds earmarked for SLG entities and IT departments to address critical cybersecurity challenges.


Digital Services and Federal IT Stimulus Dollars

SLG leaders are focused on enhancing digital services to support a digital workforce but still face challenges two years into the pandemic. Join this panel to hear how SLG leaders rapidly developed digital service initiatives during the pandemic and their plans to leverage new Federal stimulus funds to expand the initiatives.


Closing Remarks

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