Personalization: The Key to Your Digital Transformation

Personalization: The Key to Your Digital Transformation

Tailored experiences are essential for brilliant customer engagement. Imagine a consumer receiving a message from a brand telling them about a better deal on an item they’ve just purchased. Brands can lose revenue and even customers from these sorts of bad digital experiences. But personalization done right can drive an average revenue uplift of 10-30%

So, what does exceptional personalization look like, and how can you achieve it—even in an era of increased regulation around privacy? Let’s explore how brands and technical teams can leverage a data-driven tech stack to stand out in a crowded messaging environment.

Download the Braze guide to learn:

  • 4 successful examples of personalization from brands like Pizza Hut and Bloom and Wild
  • 3 ways for technical teams to build the right tech stack for better digital experiences
  • How personalization drives stronger business outcomes
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Cinco beneficios estratégicos del desarrollo nativo de la nube para el sector bancario

Papel blanco

Cinco beneficios estratégicos del desarrollo nativo de la nube para el sector bancario

El sector bancario aún se encuentra en el proceso de transformación digital basada en la nube. Resulta fundamental adoptar un enfoque de implementación que sea más rápido, ágil y adaptable para cumplir las prioridades empresariales y satisfacer a los clientes. Red Hat® OpenShift® Platform, junto con la tecnología de automatización e integración nativa de la nube de Red Hat, constituye la base de open source empresarial que faculta a los desarrolladores para diseñar, desarrollar, implementar e integrar las aplicaciones nativas de la nube en cualquier infraestructura.

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Banco Pichincha España lanza la división digital de Pibank con Red Hat

Papel blanco

Banco Pichincha España lanza la división digital de Pibank con Red Hat

Banco Pichincha España buscaba una plataforma flexible y rentable para respaldar su nueva división digital, Pibank. El banco utilizaba Red Hat® OpenShift® en una nube privada para mejorar su tiempo de respuesta y para adaptarse a las tecnologías emergentes. Como resultado, el banco redujo el tiempo de salida al mercado y los costes operativos en más de un 50 % respectivamente, en comparación con otros métodos de infraestructura tradicionales. Pibank pudo adaptarse rápidamente a las regulaciones bancarias cambiantes mejorando a su vez su experiencia del cliente y creando una gran ventaja competitiva.

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Implemente la IA y el ML para potenciar su empresa


Implemente la IA y el ML para potenciar su empresa

Las empresas aceleran la adopción de la IA y el ML gracias a Red Hat OpenShift. Descubra cómo lo logran.

Transforme sus datos en recursos empresariales valiosos y en una ventaja
competitiva. Las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial (IA) y aprendizaje automático(ML) emplean los datos para ofrecer información empresarial relevante, automatizar las tareas y optimizar las funciones de los sistemas. Además, lo ayudan a transformar todos los aspectos de la empresa para que logre resultados que puedan medirse, como mejorar la satisfacción de los clientes y la competitividad.

Red Hat® OpenShift® proporciona una plataforma de Kubernetes empresarial para la nube híbrida que permite ejecutar cargas de trabajo en contenedores y desarrollar aplicaciones y flujos de trabajo con IA. Gracias a que ofrece recursos informáticos en función de las necesidades, posibilita la aceleración de los sistemas de hardware y brinda uniformidad en la infraestructura local y de nube, los equipos obtienen la velocidad y la flexibilidad que necesitan para tener éxito. Implemente herramientas y lenguajes conocidos y aprobados previamente en poco tiempo, sin la intervención manual de la TI; acelere las tareas de desarrollo de modelos e inferencias con respaldo para las unidades de procesamiento de gráficos (GPU) de NVIDIA; genere resultados de los modelos en contenedores y compártalos entre los equipos de manera uniforme, y simplifique el desarrollo de las aplicaciones basadas en IA/ML a través de las funciones integradas de DevOps.

Las empresas de todos los sectores utilizan Red Hat OpenShift para diseñar soluciones de IA/ML que ofrezcan resultados empresariales reales. Si quiere saber cómo lo hacen, lea este ebook.

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Brazilian bank builds instant payment network with Red Hat


Brazilian bank builds instant payment network with Red Hat

Brazil’s economy, the largest in Latin America, is rapidly transitioning from cash-based to digital payments. To meet growing demand, the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) created a new instant payment network, Pix. This innovative solution required a highly available, scalable IT infrastructure. With a new architecture based on Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, and technology from Red Hat Integration, BCB can cost-effectively support thousands of transactions per second while maintaining 24×7 service availability. This new service has also helped the bank promote competitive diversity in Brazil’s financial services market.

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Hybrid Cloud: How financial services can stay ahead of their customers’ needs


How financial services can stay ahead of their customers’ needs

Red Hat and Intel recently commissioned IDG to conduct a survey of IT and business managers at US financial services organizations who were involved in cloud computing strategy and purchasing to better understand how they are deploying hybrid cloud. We discovered that the top considerations for improving customer experience included the need for flexibility, manageability, accessibility, and responsiveness. Read this analyst paper to discover three important steps in adopting hybrid cloud, and how Red Hat helps institutions mitigate the hybrid cloud portability challenge. Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® creates a consistent foundation across all environments. Red Hat OpenShift® provides an enterprise Kubernetes platform built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux that containerizes applications for easier portability and consistent functionality, and Red Hat Ansible® Automation Platform provides a solid foundation for building and operating automation across the entire hybrid infrastructure.

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Reimagining financial services transformation


Reimagining financial services transformation

The financial services industry (FSI) is fighting unique battles against disruptions. This Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report examines how the industry has had to quickly pivot to keep operations running and how companies are taking a fresh look at their digital transformation strategies. Going forward, more FSI organizations will use automation and other key technologies — for resiliency, agility, and innovation — all to enhance the customer experience.

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Modernize your payment infrastructure with Red Hat


Modernize your payment infrastructure with Red Hat

As the largest open source company in the world, Red Hat believes using an open development model helps create more stable, secure, and innovative technology. We have spent more than two decades collaborating on community projects and protecting open source licenses so that we can continue to develop software that pushes the boundaries of the software industry.

Red Hat revolutionized the operating system 25 years ago with Linux®. We have built upon that experience to create a cloud platform that provides the tools (Figure 1) needed by payment organizations to operate more efficiently and innovate more quickly. It includes a robust set of application and developer tools that help organizations simplify their technology estate and be more competitive.

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Seven Steps to Achieving Security with Zero Trust

Seven Steps to Achieving Security with Zero Trust

Seven Steps to Achieving Security with Zero Trust

If there are two words federal cybersecurity experts hear most frequently today, they are probably “zero trust.” Not only are there plenty of mandates and other requirements to move in that direction, but there are practical reasons as well. It reduces agency risk; provides better control over access, assets and users; and improves the overall cybersecurity posture of the agency.

While all agencies are working toward zero trust, getting all the way there can seem overwhelming, but it’s definitely doable—and it doesn’t have to be all-consuming. By approaching the issue systematically and taking the time to do it right, all agencies can get there.

Read more to find out ways to help your agency achieve the goal.

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Federal Zero Trust Strategy: OMB M-22-09 sets new goals

Federal Zero Trust Strategy: OMB M-22-09 sets new goals

Federal Zero Trust Strategy: OMB M-22-09 sets new goals​

The Cybersecurity Executive Order requires every federal agency to adopt zero trust, and OMB published an updated Federal Zero Trust Strategy in Memorandum M-22-09. It outlines three Identity goals that every agency must achieve by the end of fiscal year 2024. Learn how you can quickly accomplish these goals now.

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