2022 Data Protection Trends Report

The pace for change in IT continues to rise, but how exactly are companies adapting for Modern Data Protection? Between October and December 2021, an independent research firm surveyed over 3,000 IT decision makers and IT professionals about their IT and data protection drivers and strategies heading into 2022. Almost all respondents were from organizations with more than 1,000 employees ― from 28 different countries, including 1160 from Europe.

On average, respondents expected their organization’s budget for data protection, including both backup and BC/DR, to increase by 5.9% globally in 2022 — 6.0% in Europe. Recognizing the unique circumstances of IT on-premises stagnation during the pandemic quarantine and resulting supply chain issues, as well as the acceleration of cloud initiatives for the same reasons, it is understandable that 2022 would see significant investments in data protection to adjust for the diverse production environments now in use today.

As the third annual study of Data Protection Trends, this year’s survey was designed to quantify the shifts in overall concerns/goals and strategies for data protection, as well as gain an understanding of the current market landscape on data protection, disaster recovery, cybersecurity/ransomware and containers.

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