How to do hybrid work right

For years, most organizations viewed a physical office as the best place to work. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to reimagine how their employees worked, resulting in an increase in remote work and untraditional hours.

Many employees now realize benefits from this newfound flexibility and most report that they prefer a mix of home and office work. Executives are seeing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reset work using a hybrid model — one that, if implemented correctly, will allow employees to make their work lives more purposeful, productive, agile and flexible.

Lynda Gratton, a professor at London Business School, will lead the HBR webinar highlighting critical elements for an effective hybrid model. She’ll discuss:

  • Considerations of ‘place’ and ‘time’ in designing an effective hybrid work model
  • How a hybrid work model affects different jobs and roles in unique ways
  • Why you should engage employees to understand what they really want and need
  • The challenges and benefits of reorganizing projects and workflows
  • How you can build a culture of fairness and inclusion in a hybrid work setting
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